Mountain Baby Hypnobirthing
Start Here
Explore your options when choosing HypnoBirthing and learn more about our additional services such as doula support, lactation counseling and how to create a healthy pregnancy.
Hypnobirthing Classes
Learn how to gently and calmly welcome your baby into the world
Doula Services
Caring, knowledgeable support during pregnancy, birth and beyond
Prenatal Support
For a healthy mom carrying a healthy baby birth is a life experience
Spinning Babies
Optimizes the physical relationship of mom’s and baby’s bodies
cesarean rate (compared to US average 33%)
epidural rate (compared to US average of 71%)
Birth center (compared to US average of <1%)
Home birth (compared to US average of <1%)
what people say about us
When you change the way you view birth, the way you birth will change.
– Marie Mongan
About Me
Every baby, mother and family deserve the best start. Birth matters and I believe learning to trust your body and educating yourself greatly impacts the birthing experience.
Our most popular options are: the 5-week series, a private class, secure having Katja as your doula early along with your hypnobirthing class sign up.
Hypnobirthing Class
Comfort of your home
Personalized focus
2.5-hour classes
Personalized focus
2.5-hour classes
Full Support
Group Class + Doula Services
5-week HypnoBirthing group series
Spinning Babies® Parent Class
Pre-, peri- and postnatal Doula Support
On-call for your special day
Spinning Babies® Parent Class
Pre-, peri- and postnatal Doula Support
On-call for your special day